This meal was noodley and delicious. I actually used plain, old spaghetti noodles (of the whole wheat variety). You can use any kind of noodles.
Anyone who knows me would tell you I love spicy foods, so ingredients with an asterisk can either be removed or reduced from this recipe to make it more mild. Regardless, this noodle dish should be satisfying and makes for good leftovers.
1 small yellow onion
3 small green chilies*
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 teaspoon sesame seeds
1 tablespoon garlic-ginger paste
1 teaspoon chili powder*
1 tablespoon green curry paste*
1 teaspoon turmeric
About 2 cups of broccoli, cut into small pieces
About 1 cup medium-sized mushrooms, sliced
About 1 cup fresh tofu, cubed
8 oz coconut milk
1/4 cup peanut butter
1/3 package of spaghetti noodles (or whichever type of noodle suites you)
Soy sauce to taste
Sesame seed and olive oil for saute
First, saute the onions until almost clear in sesame seed and olive oils. Add green chilies. After about 2 minutes, add cumin and sesame seeds. Once they start to sizzle, add broccoli and mushrooms. Saute until a little soft. Add curry paste and ginger garlic paste while mixing well. Add coconut milk and peanut butter. Continue to stir and pour a little water into the pot to make it more like "sauce." Add tofu, turmeric and chili powder. Use salt/soy sauce until you are satisfied. Prepare you're noodles and add them to the mixture.
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